Tuesday, July 28, 2009


They came in the mail one day, housed in an envelope with no return address, a small packet of seeds.

The next morning at the office she told her companions about the mysterious envelope which contained only a packet of wildflower seeds.

Jokingly Joe asks, “Are you going to plant them?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t have a green thumb. I seem to kill every plant I’ve tried to nurture, even the hardy ones.” She laughs softly, feeling embarrassed at her lack of skill.

Joe adds before walking off, “Me too, I just don’t have the time to play in the dirt.”

Mary and Stephanie touch her arm as they leave, “Give it a try, you may surprise yourself.”

Tim is the only person left, she smiles asking, “What do you think Tim?”

“Everything grows if you provide it with attention.”

She smiles at him, he has such a soft, warm way about him; she can’t help but think he’s right.

“We better get back to the grind, let me know if you’d like some help with those seeds.”

Every Friday afternoon they all gather together for dinner, it’s always a perfect way to end the work week. As the night sky darkens, their friends leave the restaurant one by one, until she and Tim are the only ones remaining.

“I was thinking about planting the seeds tomorrow, would you like to come by and plant them with me?”

With a warm smile Tim responds, “Yes, I would.”

Time passed, and together they watched the small planted seeds mature from sprouts into blooming flowers that adorned her once barren front yard. Over the next five years they spent their time, weeding, mulching, watering, and growing closer; like the flowers themselves. Their lives had spread into each other’s; yet, maintaining their own separate identity; even after they exchanged vows in front of their now well-tended garden. They had become reflections of the seeds they sowed years before.

Fifty years had passed, and on their special day a white envelope, yellowed with age, and lacking a return address was delivered. Inside was a small packet of wildflower seeds and a simple note that read:

My Love,
Anything that is well attended will grow.
Like the seeds we planted,
I always hoped we would plant them together.
Mary sent these to you, for me, since I am no longer beside you.

Your patience and understanding
Brought love into my world.
Together we made our corner brighter,
Together we planted, for
Love is a flower you have to let grow.

Loving you always,


  1. oh this is good! so romantic! i love it!!!

  2. this is super ! and you are amazing my friend...
    that is the perfect green thumb
    patience - care - hopefulness
    very rich with life's good things this

  3. Lovely.

    I send little unannounced, unmarked things to friends at times...have even gone to the trouble of having them sent one place and then another.
    I like the element of surprise, and love.

  4. This is so touching, it caused me heart to flutter. :)

  5. Very nice indeed. I quite enjoyed it.
