Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Untitled V

Placid glass lake
Flying edged stone
Breaking water
Ripples ringing out

Coasting love
Flying jagged words
Breaking point,
Collision love-threatening injuries.


  1. this kinda love can be so compulsive...

  2. Oh, this is lovely! *flying edged stone* is my favorite line. :)

  3. Cat, Shadow, and Lady G., thank you for your comments. I was and still am very unsure about this one ... so if you can think of any changes that would make it stronger, it would be appreciated.

    thanks again! suz

    p.s. this comment is open to anyone who stops by -- suggestions, positive or negative are always welcomed and appreciated.

  4. that was a lovely comment -
    thanks for the hand ;)

    this poem is lovely in it's analogy,
    skipping stones and collisions,
    very nice
